
Scuola Leonardo da Vinci ® - Escuela de Italiano

Scuola Leonardo da Vinci ® - Escuela de Italiano

Aprender Italiano en Italia, en Florencia, Milán, Roma, Turín y Viareggio
Autorización oficial del Ministerio Italiano de la Pública Instrucción

Scuola Leonardo da Vinci ®

Il blog della Scuola Leonardo da Vinci

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... the Italian language school!
  1. Roma e i suoi sette colli: un binomio inseparabile che affonda le radici nella leggenda e nella storia. Fin dai tempi antichi, queste alture non furono semplici rilievi, ma veri e propri punti strategici per insediamenti e difese, che permisero alla futura capitale dell'Impero di sorgere e prosperare.

    The post I Sette Colli di Roma: Storia, Leggende e Curiosità appeared first on Blog of Leonardo da Vinci ;).

  2. Milan is welcoming one of the most lively events of the year: the Ambrosian Carnival 2025! A celebration that blends tradition, folklore, and spectacle, transforming the city into a stage of colors, music, and fun.

    The post The Ambrosian Carnival 2025: The Must-See Celebration! appeared first on Blog of Leonardo da Vinci ;).

  3. Sanremo isn’t just a music festival. It’s a national tradition, a week when Italy stops to celebrate music, emotions, and a little bit of chaos.

    The post Why We Love Sanremo Festival appeared first on Blog of Leonardo da Vinci ;).

  4. Journey through the Galileo Museum in Florence and discover the fascinating world of science in the heart of Italy!

    The post Unlocking the Universe: Exploring the Galileo Museum in Florence appeared first on Blog of Leonardo da Vinci ;).

  5. Rome is preparing to welcome millions of pilgrims for the 2025 Jubilee, an extraordinary event that combines faith, tradition, and a profoundly relevant message: hope.

    The post The Jubilee of Hope: Rome at the center of the world in 2025 appeared first on Blog of Leonardo da Vinci ;).


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Este campo no puede quedar en blanco

Este campo no puede quedar en blanco

Este campo no puede quedar en blanco



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